Many EU members have been trying to identify and analyze critical infrastructural sectors in the past ten years by using various methodological and policy approaches. Their key problem has become how to assess risks related to complex, multileveled, multisectoral, interconnected and networked critical infrastructures in order to support a more comprehensive critical infrastructure protection policy at national and EU levels. A lack of interdependency-based criticality and risk assessment in the field of critical infrastructures exists. Another gap in the application of GIS-supported computer tools capable of interdependency-based intersectoral and cross-border risk assessment can also be observed. This project aims to bridge these gaps by several objectives.

General objective is to create and test the interactive analytical and simulation model/tool for interdependency-based criticality and risk assessment across sectors of critical infrastructures. Derived goals and implementation methods are:

1.Development of integrated and multilayered GIS for the sectors of transport, energy and related ICT networks in the EU member state (Slovenia). Several existing real data based GIS with relevant information on infrastructural objects and connections will be integrated into a new interactive and multilayered GIS containing a selection of relevant object attributes.

2.Development common simulation architecture for interdependency-based criticality and risk assessment. It will contain and display all objects in selected sectors and show the intersections of all infrastructural objects including line objects in 2D and 3D space and process their attributes (calculation of interdependency-based criticality and risk factors).

3.Interdependency-based criticality and risk assessment aims to identify and analyse the most critical infrastructural objects in the country, multi-sectoral intersections of infrastructures, geographic areas of infrastructural congestions, including congestions of multi-infrastructural intersections and physical/geographic interdependencies among infrastructures.

4.Identification and assessment of critical and risky cross-border infrastructural links based on the infrastructural attributes, derived calculations and graphic representations.